Navajo Reservation, New Mexico
JR has served for over 40 years in the very remote area of Black Mesa, AZ, located in the heart of the Navajo Reservation. He pastors the Tse ee gai House of Joy Church where their members drive from 15 – 100 miles to worship each Sunday.
JR and his church are very actively involved in meeting the needs of their community through a food bank, coat distribution, praying with individuals, and sharing the gospel. They are blessed by mission teams who come each year to help with renovating and building additions to homes as well as building new homes for those in need. He also holds 15-20 revivals a summer under their gospel tent seeing many people come to the Lord.
JR and his church are very actively involved in meeting the needs of their community through a food bank, coat distribution, praying with individuals, and sharing the gospel. They are blessed by mission teams who come each year to help with renovating and building additions to homes as well as building new homes for those in need. He also holds 15-20 revivals a summer under their gospel tent seeing many people come to the Lord.